True Family Time

September 2020

For all of its problematic disruptions, at least COVID has forced us to slow down a bit and focus on the family. Here are some various shots from before and after it started.

Micah and I out just before COVID.

Sadie and I made a sign welcoming Micah and Jen back from India, again before COVID.

Micah's birthday in January, also before COVID

I'm sentimental and will miss the old car; so the fam agreed to pose with it to say goodbye!

Sadie and I had been doing martial arts twice a week before COVID hit

The boy needed a headshot for winning composition competition, so we went out front and took this one

On a little walk around the neighborhood

I'm not so great at selfies

Sadie and I had one of our own biking adventures

Micah and I taking a walk through a park in Siloam Springs

The kids and I at one of our favorite pandemic places after biking -- Foghorns has a large outdoor distanced seating area

The family having dinner on the back porch

Sadie and her quirky set of cool stickers on her laptop

Micah sports a classic pandemic hairdo

One of our little family activities was to make some animals out of clay; here are Marcel and Owlivere

Sadie and fence

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